- Clark School Has Strong Showing at RoboSub Competition
- Raghavan and Gamvros win EURO strategic innovation prize
- Giving Robotic Flight More Buzz
- Robotics@Maryland Places 3rd in AUVSI Underwater Vehicle Competition
- Company Started by Professor Wins Women?s Business Plan Competition
- Horiuchi, Baras, Humbert participating in Department of Defense MURI projects
- Alumnus Du Earns Tenure at Temple
- Alumnus Xiaobo Tan Earns Tenure at MSU
- Article by auditory researchers appears in Nature Neuroscience
- Baras gives semi-plenary lecture at NTNS2010
- Baras gives plenary lecture at DYCOPS 2010
- CNN airs special program on Cohen, Etienne-Cummings research
- Alumnus Trappe Wins Best Paper Award at ACM Conference on Mobile Systems
- Stuart Antman wins NSF grant for nonlinear problems of solid mechanics
- Faculty Start-Up Wins Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Award
- Ephremides is plenary speaker at ISIT 2010
- Baras gives invited lecture to NITRD large scale networking group
- RASC-AL "Three-peat" for Clark School
- Joseph JáJá appointed university's interim vice president and CIO
- Kim Inducted into UM's Alumni Hall of Fame
- UM, LM Launch Strategic Relationship
- Baras delivers distinguished lecture at UAEU
- Mtech, Alumna-Run Companies Vie for State Awards
- S. Raghavan promoted to full professor
- Min Wu wins outstanding teaching award
- Grad student Daniel Garcia-Romero wins best paper award
- ISR alumnus Richard Stamper named associate dean at Rose-Hulman
- Work by grad student Parag Banerjee cited in MRS Bulletin
- Ulukus Receives NSF Grant for Wireless Security Research
- Maryland a Top Small-Biz Supporter
- Martins, Somasundaram, Frazier win awards at ISR's annual ceremony
- Espy-Wilson and Pruthi win in University's Business Plan Competition
- Bergbreiter, Gerratt, Penskiy win Best Conference Paper Award
- Clark School honors Rajkowski, Beyaz, Banerjee for student research
- Synchronized Swimming for Submarines
- Pamela Abshire queries Secretary Robert Gates at export control event
- ECE Grad Students Mitra and Zhang Awarded Wylie Fellowships
- Alumna Yan Sun Earns Tenure at Rhode Island
- Six Clark School faculty become affiliates of ISR
- Espy-Wilson, Rubloff win 'Invention of the Year' awards
- Reza Ghodssi to participate in EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
- Espy-Wilson, Pruthi Among Business Plan Competition Finalists
- Alum Fumin Zhang wins ONR Young Investigator Program award
- Moss wins DURIP Award for bat fluttering flight control research
- MERIT-BIEN Poster Wins Two Awards at NSF Program Meeting
- Former Postdoc Su Wins ICC 2010 Best Paper Award
- Abshire, Humbert speak at robotics policy event
- Article by Gupta, Hopkins and Spranklin selected as a 'Highlight of 2009'
- Rance Cleaveland interviewed for TV news story on Toyota sudden acceleration
- Ephremides, Laroia headline at CISS
- Ulukus Awarded NSF Grant for Rechargeable Networks Research
- Three ISR students are named ECE Distinguished Dissertation Fellows
- Lovell Named Engineers Without Borders Advisor
- Derek Paley wins NSF CAREER Award
- ISR organizing interdisciplinary student group
- Subrahmanian delivers distinguished lecture at UAEU
- Alumnus Zhu Han Receives NSF CAREER Award
- Graduate Student Delivers Micro/Nano Seminar at MIT
- Cynthia Moss wins USM Regents' Faculty Award
- Reza Ghodssi guest edits special issue of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
- Seven ECE Students Named Future Faculty Fellows
- Raj Madhavan joins ISR as assistant research scientist
- Liu, Former Students Receive Patent for Innovation in Ultra-Wideband Communication
- Ben Shneiderman one of three Clark School NAE inductees
- Patrick Kanold is named Sloan Research Fellow
- UM's Pres. Mote to Retire
- Alumnus Xiaobo Tan receives MSU Teacher-Scholar Award
- Moss's findings published in Science reveal bats' fundamental 'targeting' tradeoff
- Maryland Tops in Tech Job Growth
- Researchers' Study Reveals Surprises about How the Brain Processes Sound
- Graduate student William Herring wins SHS best graduate paper prize
- Baltimore Sun quotes Shneiderman on Apple's iPad technology
- Micro-ball bearing research featured in Micro Manufacturing magazine
- Shneiderman paper one of 'top search marketing and social media research projects of 2009'
- SCARE software predicts locations from observations and known constraints
- Ephremides Gives Distinguished Lectures on Wireless Networking
- Baras Participates in International Panel on Control Systems Design
- Work by Zhou, Lin, Marcus and Fu wins 'Best Theoretical Paper' award
- Baras presents distinguished lecture at UC Irvine
- Baras addresses National Science Foundation's annual ERC meeting
- Rubloff Team Wins $2.8M Army Grant
- Akin, Jacobs Develop Morphing Upper Torso Spacesuit
- Subrahmanian's CAGE software platform recreates complex real-life situations for simulations
- Former Director Eyad Abed honored at ISR reception
- Clark School hosts PowerMEMS 2009 attendees for luncheon, lab tours
- Mark Shayman elected IEEE Fellow
- Carl Landwehr becomes NSF Trustworthy Computing Director
- Rubloff Group Research Selected for Highlights in Chemical Technology.
- Mariano Anderle visits ISR from Province of Trento, Italy
- Sezmi launches customer pilot in Los Angeles
- Clark School Ranked 14th Worldwide
- Alum Xiaobo Tan receives new autonomous robotic fish grant
- Herrmann talks to Infection Control Today about mass vaccination clinics
- McAvoy, Levine honored for commitment to the Clark School
- Baras wins 'Innovator of the Year' Award
- Graduate student William Herring honored by INFORMS health applications section
- Lovell to teach 'Engineering in the Developing World'
- Pati Inducted into Innovation Hall of Fame
- Maryland Hosts Second Annual Robot Speedway Competition, Oct. 24
- Davis, Milner receive NSF EAGER grant
- Herrmann's clinic model used at UMD mass vaccination drill
- Ephremides Receives ONR Grant for Wireless Networks Research
- Chrisopher Davis wins ECE Faculty Venture Fair for cell phone radiation measurement
- Nathan Siwak, Natalie Salaets given ARCS Fellowships
- Like to Surf or Game by Mobile Device?
- Srivastava receives NSF grant for thermal management in data storage centers
- ISR alumnus Mehdi Kalantari receives sensor networks grant
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine covers 'MarcusFest'
- Mikhail Vorontsov joins University of Dayton Ladar and Free Space Optical Communications Institute
- S.K. Gupta awarded NSF grant for autonomous optical manipulation of cells
- Nikhil Chopra receives NSF grant for wireless sensor and robotic networks
- AndréTits, Dianne O'Leary receive new DoE optimization grant
- Martins, Abshire, Smela, Bergbreiter win $1.5 million NSF grant
- ISR welcomes Toshiba's Ryuichi Teramoto
- Baras, Yu win ECE Department's first Jimmy Lin Award
- Marvin Sambur to be keynote speaker at Innovations 09
- Alumnus Fumin Zhang wins NSF CAREER Award
- Espy-Wilson receives NSF grant for digital speech forensics
- Reza Ghodssi Appointed Director of the Institute for Systems Research
- New DoE grant for AndréTits, Dianne O'Leary
- Alexander Barg receives NSF grant for improving error-correcting coding
- Min Wu receives IEEE early career teaching award
- Maryland Intellectual Property Legal Resource Center Moves to UM, Mtech
- Marcus, Fu receive NSF grant for particle filtering for stochastic control and global optimization
- Barua wins NSF grant for new binary rewriter
- Alumnus Hamid Jafarkhani named 'Chancellor's Professor' at UC Irvine
- Alexandria University's Ahmed Sultan visits ISR to facilitate collaborations
- Work of Erol, Nau, Hendler earns honorable mention for ICAPS Influential Paper Award
- Baras, Martins part of $9 million funding for microelectronics and systems research
- Dana Nau will be keynote speaker at KI-2009
- Cukier receives NSF Trustworthy Computing grant for dynamic analysis of malcode
- Cleaveland, Marcus part of $10 million NSF collaborative research grant
- Baras appointed to IEEE Systems Council
- ISR alumnus Buno Pati to be inducted into Clark School Innovation Hall of Fame
- Srivastava, Narayan Receive New NSF Research Grant
- Alumnus Matthew James wins Best SICON Paper Prize
- Alumnus Xiaobo Tan to Lead New NSF Program for Secondary School Teachers
- Find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter
- Yiannis Aloimonos becomes ISR affiliate faculty member
- Levine's Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems Most Popular Download
- Espy-Wilson Receives NIH Grant To Help Tongue Cancer Patients' Speech
- Baras, Gu and Jiang Receive NASA Patent Application Award
- Ephremides Receives NSF Grant for Cooperative Networking
- Barua, Cleaveland, Sussman win DARPA funding for AESOP project
- Ghodssi Receives NSF Grant for Novel Nanofabrication for Energy Applications
- Honda's Tetsuaki Nakano, Kensuke Iwanaga give final presentations
- Abed gives plenary lecture at IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
- Alumna Mounya Elhilali wins NSF CAREER award
- Richard La Receives NSF Grant for Designing Network Pricing Mechanisms
- Herrmann group develops Vaccine Allocation Model v.1.4
- Jonathan Simon lead author of article published in PLoS Biology
- New Edition of Davis' Experimental Research Guide Book Released
- Cell-based sensors featured in The Scientist
- Jacob Introduces New Guitar Technology
- Ephremides provides expertise in cell phone signal jamming story
- Alumnus Sean Andersson receives NSF CAREER Award
- Peter Sandborn receives NSF grant for managing product obsolescence
- Texas public health officials find eMedCheck cuts screening time in half
- Simon Co-Authors Cover Article for Journal of Neuroscience
- ISR appoints three new assistant research scientists
- Mark Austin, Michel Cukier receive joint appointments
- Sikorsky renews as ISR strategic partner
- ISR awards ceremony honors faculty, graduate student, staff member
- Ephremides gives keynote address at IEEE international wireless symposium
- Shihab Shamma Quoted in New York Times Story about Auditory Cues
- New issue of Systems Solutions now available
- Resensys LLC joins TERP Startup Lab
- SCMC, SAIC release cyber security white paper
- Fu, Marcus awarded NSF collaborative research grant
- Ghodssi Receives NSF Grant for Microball Bearings Research
- New book by ISR Visiting Researcher David Elliott
- Alumnus Narasingarao Sreenath promoted to full professor at Case Western Reserve
- Alumnus Priya Ranjan to join IIT Kanpur faculty
- Ephremides part of Distinguished Lecture Tour
- Jonathan Fritz promoted to associate research scientist
- Ghodssi, Wang, Culver Awarded Nanobiotechnology Grant
- Clark School to Offer New Graduate Certificate for Technology Entrepreneurs
- Baras Participates in Panel on Mobile Wireless Networks Technology
- Clark School Names First UMERC Director
- NSA designates University of Maryland as 'National Center of Academic Excellence'
- Student research: Israel Perez
- Fourteen ISR-affiliated students receive Ph.D.s
- Ornithopter, optical microsensor win ISR seed grants
- Thomas McAvoy helping to advance cancer research
- Carlos Berenstein to retire in July
- Eyad Abed to Join United Arab Emirates University
- UMERC/Nanocenter Team Named "Energy Frontier" Center
- Martins gives invited lecture at UCSD Cymer Center
- Stuart Antman honored as SIAM Fellow
- Herrmann interviewed for WTOP news radio
- Dean Berlin places second in research competition
- ISR faculty participating in two Department of Defense MURI projects
- Enlu Zhou is a winner at Clark School Doctoral Research Award Competition
- Shapiro, Smela are issued U.S. Patent 7,523,608
- Anna Pantelidou accepts postdoctoral position at University of Oulu, Finland
- Herrmann's Clinic Planning Model Generator software mentioned in swine flu article
- Ashis Banerjee wins campus-wide research poster competition
- Symposium in honor of Ben Kedem will be held in July
- Adomaitis, Ghodssi, Sandborn promoted
- Clark School Retains High U.S. News Rankings
- Steve Marcus honored as SIAM Fellow
- Mathieu Aubailly is new Assistant Research Scientist
- Enlu Zhou To Join Faculty at Univ. of Illinois
- Baras, Goldsman win Invention of the Year Awards
- Alumna Zheng Earns Tenure at UC-Santa Barbara
- Ghodssi chairs PowerMEMS 2009 Conference
- Parag Banerjee Wins Presidential Student Award
- Student research: Yufu Zhang
- Ghodssi Featured in Mechanical Engineering Magazine Cover Story
- Milner, Davis Awarded $1 Million AFOSR Grant for Wireless Research
- ECE Grad Student Siwak Awarded ARCS Fellowship
- Marvin Sambur writes Defense News commentary on DoD acquisition
- Shapiro receives Fulbright Scholar grant
- NanoCenter Improves Energy Storage Options
- Paper Named 2008 'Highlight' by Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
- Paper by Krishnaprasad, Justh, Wei published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A
- Student research: Anna Pantelidou
- Herrmann, Hoy win IEST Maurice Simpson Award
- FederalNewsRadio covers ISR Systems Seminar on the Air Force tanker selection process
- Ankur Srivastava earns tenure
- Enlu Zhou is named ECE Distinguished Dissertation Fellow
- Six ISR students chosen for Clark School's Future Faculty Program
- Six ISR students selected for Future Faculty Program
- Cukier teaches new Clark School risk assessment study abroad course
- Stephan Koev wins university-wide graduate research contest
- Abshire and Espy-Wilson receive MIPS grants
- Wu and Liu awarded AFOSR grant for media forensics
- Espy-Wilson Included in "Soul of Technology" Exhibit
- Student research: Xiaolong Luo
- Alumnus interview: Herbert Struemper
- Srivastava Named Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on VLSI and Integration VLSI Journal
- Alumna Zhao Receives IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award
- Eyad Abed speaks at UCSD Cymer Center seminar
- Start-ups with ISR connections awarded SAIC grants
- Davis Delivers Keynote at ISSNIP Conference
- Invisibility Cloak Research in Top 10 News Stories of 2008
- Jeffrey Herrmann named IIE Transactions departmental editor
- V.S. Subrahmanian elected Fellow of AAAS
- Best paper award to Baras, Yu, Sadler
- Nidak Sumrean appointed to Senior Executive Service
- Best paper award at 2008 IEEE GLOBECOM
- Bergbreiter interviewed on robot podcast
- Aerospace publication highlights Miao Yu research
- Avis Cohen named AAAS Fellow
- Alumnus Bill Byrne promoted to Reader at Cambridge
- Stephan Koev wins MEMS Alliance best poster award
- Baras Delivers Keynote Address at MobiCom 2008
- TRX Systems wins Global Security Challenge competition
- Alumnus Qiang Yang named IEEE Fellow
- Alumnus Nikos Sidiropoulos elected IEEE Fellow
- Alumnus Soysal Joins Faculty of Turkey's Bahçeşehir University
- S.K. Gupta’s group pioneers new development in drive mechanisms for ornithopters
- Fall 2008 ISR newsletter now available online
- Horiuchi, Humbert Developing Bio-Inspired Navigation for Micro Air Vehicles
- Hiromasa Takahashi is new ISR Visiting Scholar
- Manikonda Named President of Intelligent Automation, Inc.
- Sikorsky is new ISR strategic partner
- Raghavan, Day win INFORMS Computing Society Prize
- Radu Balan is new ISR affiliated faculty member
- President's Fall Video Message Available
- Robotics@Maryland Places 2nd in Inaugural Competition
- Alumnus interview: Reza Shahidi
- Four Abshire advisees join industry
- Alumnus Andres Kwasinski joins RIT
- Visiting Scholars program profiled in Maryland International
- Mariko Sugimoto is new ISR Visiting Scholar
- Yu, Balachandran awarded US Patent 7,428,054
- U.S. Dept. of Commerce taps Abshire for advisory committee
- Ghodssi team's micro ball bearing work makes miniature machines possible
- Makowski, La win NSF grant for modeling mobile wireless networks
- S.K. Gupta receives NSF grant for nanoassembly research
- NSF grant for Narayan funds 'common randomness' research
- Barg wins NSF grant for applications of coding theory to digital circuit design
- ISR's Anandalingam discusses plans for Smith School on new video
- 'RFF' wins 2008 International Planning Competition
- Espy-Wilson awarded NSF grant; subcontractor for Navy STTR grant
- Carlos Berenstein awarded US Patent 7,424,463
- Shihab Shamma named to NIH study section
- Live TV broadcast showcases Robotics@Maryland team
- Barg gains NSF grant to study point allocations
- Rajeev Barua is Principal Investigator for NSF Compiler Optimizations Grant
- S. Raghavan co-edits new book on the vehicle routing problem
- ISR researcher finds bats are quieter in groups
- Herrmann Receives 'Innovator of the Year' Award
- Clark School Rises in Rankings
- Maryland Students Win Underwater Vehicle Contest
- Innovation Hall of Famer Smith Dies
- Nuno Martins appointed to Conference Editorial Board
- Anandalingam interviewed on Business Week video
- Sasan Bakhtiari joins University of New South Wales faculty
- Sandborn writes about obsolete systems for IEEE Spectrum
- Robotics@Maryland team wins underwater vehicle contest
- S. Raghavan co-edits new operations research compendium