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ISR-affiliated Professor Ben Shneiderman (CS/UMIACS) is one of three faculty members associated with the Clark School of Engineering inducted into the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Shneiderman was selected for his research, software development and scholarly texts on human-computer interaction and information visualization.

The NAE has more than 2,000 peer-elected members and foreign associates. These are senior professionals in business, academia and government who are among the world?s most accomplished engineers. They provide leadership and expertise for numerous academy projects focused on the interconnection of engineering, technology and quality of life.

In addition to Shneiderman, the other Clark School inductees are:

John Anderson, professor emeritus of Aerospace Engineering and curator at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. He is being honored for his aerospace engineering and history textbooks and for contributions to hypersonic gas dynamics.

Ali Mosleh, the Jeong H. Kim Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He is being recognized for contributions to the development of Bayesian methods and computational tools in probabilistic risk assessment and reliability engineering.

"Induction is a great honor to the individuals elected and to the organizations with which they are affiliated." said Clark School Dean Darryll Pines. "Their induction is a testament to the quality of our faculty members and our contributions to the engineering profession."

This is the greatest number of Clark School-affiliated faculty members ever elected in one year. Only about 70 people are annually recognized with this honor; the Clark School represents nearly 5 percent of U.S. inductees for 2010.

Related Articles:
Ben Shneiderman video talk on human-centered AI now available
Shneiderman, Varshney inducted into IEEE Visualization Academy
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February 17, 2010

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