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Professor John Baras (ECE/ISR) presented a distinguished lecture at United Arab Emirates University on June 1. Baras was invited by former ISR Director Eyad Abed (ECE/ISR), dean of UAEU?s College of Information Technology.

Baras spoke about his research in security and trust in communication, information and social networks. Baras described recent results on physical layer security and authentication, using various "physical" characteristics of devices to provide much strengthened authentication and security. He also talked about the new technology of trusted platform modules (TPM) and various ways to incorporate it in wireless networks to strengthen their security, including their integration with physical device fingerprints and user biometrics. Baras also discussed why security should be implemented in a ?cross layer? manner and talked about recent results on trust models and trust evaluation, both directly and indirectly.

In addition to his lecture, Baras met with the faculty, toured the Faculty of Information Technology?s laboratories, and learned about the university?s research priorities in discussions with the UAEU Provost.

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Profile and interview with John Baras in IEEE Control Systems Magazine

June 4, 2010

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