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Prof. Anthony Ephremides

Prof. Anthony Ephremides


Dr. Anthony Ephremides (ECE/ISR), Cynthia Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology, is the principal investigator (PI) on a new National Science Foundation (NSF) research grant on "Cooperative Networking Across the Layers." The three-year grant is part of a larger collaborative project with researchers at the Northwestern University and the University of Texas, Austin. The University Maryland's portion of the grant is worth $371,166.

This research initiative goes beyond the physical layer in defining and analyzing cooperative techniques for wireless networks. By incorporating higher layer properties, such as traffic dynamics and access control, Ephremides and his fellow researchers will develop a new theoretical framework for analyzing and designing cooperative networking algorithms across the layers.

The project has three inter-related thrusts. The first thrust studies resource allocation policies which stabilize the queues within various classes of cooperative networks. The second thrust determines a family of scheduling algorithms to maximize the volume of traffic served by a cooperative network. Finally, game theoretic models are developed for cooperative networks where nodes in the network are allowed to pursue differing objectives, and come to a distributed agreement on the optimal operating point for the overall network.

More information on the research can be found at the NSF website.

July 29, 2009

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