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At the June 7 Mercy Medical Center Cancer Survivors Day, Professor Emeritus Thomas McAvoy (ChBME/ISR) will discuss the research that he initiated in 2004 on a rare type of cancer, pseudomyxoma peritonei. The private event will be held in Baltimore.

Professor McAvoy?s wife Jessie succumbed to the disease and McAvoy developed an hypothesis that this cancer might have a micro-organism aspect. His hypothesis was verified in 2005 when tumor samples were tested at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences in Bethesda. To date over 30 tumors have tested positive for several bacteria including the known carcinogenic bacteria, H. pylori.

The research is actively being pursued and in Spring 2009 it received its initial funding. The research team has grown to four MDs, two MD/PhDs, and three PhDs, including Professor McAvoy. A paper giving the initial research results appeared in Annals of Surgical Oncology in May 2008. (Subscription required to view.)

Dr. McAvoy has written a book, "Jessie's Miracle" that describes the research and how it has progressed over the past five years. It will be published in a few weeks, and net proceeds will be donated to support the research.

May 20, 2009

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