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Associate Professor Pamela Abshire (ECE/ISR) and Assistant Professor Sean Humbert (AE) recently served on a panel discussing robotics policy, ?Robotics?The Next Big Thing.? The event was sponsored by the Patuxent Partnership and the Center for the Study of Democracy and held at St. Mary?s College of Maryland on March 23.

Abshire spoke on ?Bio-Inspired Motion Sensors for Autonomous Navigation,? while Humbert?s topic was ?Bio-Inspired Sensing and Locomotion for Microsystems.?

The panel also included Joe Dyer of iRobot; Political Science Professor Matt Fehrs from St. Mary?s College of Maryland; Commander Steve Martin from the Department of the Navy; Rear Admiral Bill Shannon, PEO U&W, NAS Pax River; Dr. "Red" Whittaker, Director of the Field Robotics Center; Scott O?Neil, Executive Director of the NAWC Weapons Division, China Lake; Dr. Larry Schuette, Director of Innovation at ONR; and former DARPA director Dr. Lee Buchanan, of the Paladin Capital Group.

March 26, 2010

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