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Six ISR graduate students have been selected to participate in the A. James Clark School of Engineering's 2009 Future Faculty Program (FFP). FFP was introduced to increase the number of Clark School Ph.D. graduates who obtain academic positions, and in particular, faculty positions in prestigious engineering schools. The program is also intended to improve the preparation of students for academic careers so that they can better succeed once they obtain such a position.

Four of the students entering the program are from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department: Graham Alldredge (advised by Professor P.S. Krishnaprasad), Mustafa Beyaz (advised by ISR Director Reza Ghodssi), Matteo Mischiati (advised by Professor P.S. Krishnaprasad) and Yongqiang Wang (advised by Professors Steve Marcus and Michael Fu). Civil and Environmental Engineering student Kleoniki Vlachou (advised by Associate Professor David Lovell) and Mechanical Engineering student Haijun Liu (advised by Assistant Professor Miao Yu) also were selected.

The program is highly selective. Fellows are chosen by an anonymous committee based on the applicants' motivation for becoming a faculty member and potential for securing a tenure-track faculty position at a top-50 engineering school. Students admitted to the program are designated as Future Faculty Fellows and receive a supplementary stipend of $2,000 for each semester in the program, totaling up to $10,000 over the course of the program, in addition to other financial support they may receive.

The FFP consists of a sequence of three one-credit training seminars, a teaching practicum and a research mentoring practicum. The program takes between three and five semesters to complete depending on the timing of the practicums.

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Six ISR grad students in Clark School Future Faculty Program

February 15, 2009

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