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Professor Tony Ephremides (ECE/ISR) gave a keynote address at the 10th IEEE International Symposium: A World of Wireles, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2009). The symposium was held in Kos, Greece, June 15?19, 2009.

Ephremides spoke on "Cooperation at the Network Level." He introduced simple ways and ideas to implement cooperative techniques at the MAC and Network Layers and told of some startling consequences. Not only do these techniques result in throughput performance increase, but also, in the case of bursty traffic (as is the case usually in network communications), communication rates can exceed those that are achieved when the user sources are back-logged.

Ephremides is the Cynthia Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology in the A. James Clark School of Engineering.

June 24, 2009

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