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ISR Senior Research Scientist Carl Landwehr recently became director of the Trustworthy Computing Program at the National Science Foundation, within the CISE Directorate. Prior to this position, he was on assignment with IARPA as the program manager for Safe and Secure Operations.

In addition, the Association for Computing Machinery?s (ACM) Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) recently awarded Landwehr its Outstanding Contribution Award. This award is given for ?significant contributions to the field of computer and communication security through fostering research and development activities, educating students, and providing professional services such as the running of professional societies and conferences." Landwehr received the award at the ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference on Nov. 11.

Landwehr is a noted expert in trustworthy computing, including high assurance software development, understanding software flaws and vulnerabilities, token-based authentication, system evaluation and certification methods, multilevel security, and architectures for intrusion tolerant systems.

November 30, 2009

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