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Prof. William Levine

Prof. William Levine


The Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems, co-edited by Prof. William Levine and former Institute for Systems Research (ISR) faculty member Dimitrios Hristu-Varsakelis of the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, had the largest number of downloaded chapters of any book in the Springer Engineering E-book collection in 2008. So far, it is ranked second highest in 2009.

The book, part of Birkhauser's Control Engineering Series, provides engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians and students with a comprehensive resource to address many questions related to networked and embedded control systems. The book is a carefully organized collection of tools, software, and technology that unifies into a single reference many scattered articles, websites and specification sheets?information that might otherwise be difficult to find.

In addition co-editing the book, Dr. Levine has also served as the editor of Birkhauser?s Control Engineering Series.

August 6, 2009

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