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Photo credit: James Davies

Photo credit: James Davies


ISR-affiliated Professor Emeritus Ben Shneiderman (CS/UMIACS) received his fifth honorary doctoral degree on July 27 from Swansea University, Wales. The honor was presented by Professor Matt Jones, Head of the College of Science, at the university’s degree ceremony for the College of Science.

In its press release, Swansea called Shneiderman “a pioneering computer scientist whose work has been vital in determining the essential ways we communicate with computers through for example, the clickable link and the widespread use of touchscreens.”

The release also said Shneiderman “has been instrumental in a field of work called ‘universal usability’ which ensures that whatever a user’s physical, cognitive or motor abilities, they can have effective and satisfying access to digital services.”

Shneiderman has been visiting and encouraging computer scientists at Swansea for many years, the university noted, “especially recently, in light of the opening of the £31m Computational Foundry on the Bay Campus, which will be a global beacon for future transformational science.”

Shneiderman said, “The growing prominence of Swansea University and its soon-to-be-opened Computational Foundry signal its entry into the top rank of universities. In this context, it is especially satisfying to receive this honorary doctorate for my work in human-computer interaction and information visualization, which is well-aligned with research directions at the University.”

Given his many contributions to the human-computer interface and the social nuances of technology and computing, Shneiderman noted, “I was pleased to learn the university motto is ‘Technology without Culture is Bereft.’”

| Read the Swansea University press release |

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July 28, 2018

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