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Chahat Deep Singh, a Computer Science Ph.D. student of ISR-affiliated Professor Yiannis Aloimonos (CS/UMIACS) and ISR-affiliated Associate Research Scientist Cornelia Fermüller (UMIACS), has been named a 2022 Clark School Future Faculty Fellow.

The program is designed to prepare Ph.D. students in engineering and computer science for careers in academia. It consists of a sequence of three one-credit training seminars, a teaching practicum, and a research mentoring practicum. Fellows learn what to expect from all aspects of being a tenure-track professor, including research, teaching, mentoring students, and more. The program also endeavors to assist in placing selected students in leading institutions where they can have the greatest impact and where they may continue to partner with the Clark School.

Singh’s doctoral research is focused on mobile robotics. Because time is critical when it comes to saving lives, an efficient mobile robot becomes crucial for such rescue operations. Contrary to the current robotics research methods, natural beings are very efficient in solving their daily tasks. Singh focuses on developing bio-inspired minimalist cognitive perceptual algorithms for aerial robot autonomy using only onboard sensing and computing. His work aims to unlock the potential of robot autonomy in the wild at scales never before thought possible. Singh is a member of the Perception and Robotics Group.

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February 14, 2022

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