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Professor Pamela Abshire (ECE/ISR) was recently named to a ?Best Kept Secrets: 5 of D.C. Tech?s Most Brilliant Women? list by InTheCapital, a new website dedicated to ?the view from inside D.C. tech, startups, politics, media, and city life.?

The list includes ?the women behind the apps you can?t live without, the teachers of the best-kept tech secrets, and the researchers that hold your future in the palms of their hands.?

Abshire was included for her research in ?integrated circuits and their use in biological systems, specifically about how sensors and circuits can be useful in detecting biological traits.?

About InTheCapital
The website, launched early in 2012, covers "innovation for innovators of all kinds." It hopes to connect and informs people in a way that drives innovation "at a time in which we believe our economy and society desperately need change for the better."

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May 1, 2012

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