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Professor Dinesh Manocha

Professor Dinesh Manocha


Contributed by Samuel Malede Zewdu, Department of Computer Science

Distinguished University Professor Dinesh Manocha has been inducted into the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Academy for his fundamental contributions to computer graphics and computational geometry for virtual reality. His work, spanning research and services, aligns with the academy's goal of acknowledging individuals who have profoundly impacted virtual reality through their professional endeavors. Manocha joins five other esteemed inductees this year.

The IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Academy, created in 2022, highlights the accomplishments of those who have significantly advanced the field of virtual reality. Inductees are chosen based on their comprehensive contributions to research and development, ability to positively influence the field and active engagement and service within this specialized community. Previous notable inductees include Michael Antonov, Brendan Iribe and Distinguished University Professor Ming Lin

Manocha's work has significantly advanced virtual reality, computer graphics, robotics and artificial intelligence. The IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Academy's decision to induct him recognizes his considerable impact.

Manocha holds the Paul Chrisman Iribe Endowed E-Nnovate Computer Science Professorship and appointments at the University of Maryland's Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and the A. James Clark School of Engineering. He is affiliated with the Institute for Systems Research (ISR), the Maryland Robotics Center (MRC) and the Brain and Behavior Institute.

Manocha co-leads the GAMMA research group, which has developed many widely used software systems. He has also published over 750 papers and co-authored 11 books and monographs. Additionally, his group has received 8 best paper or honorable mention awards at leading conferences on virtual reality and augmented reality.

More than 60 companies across computer graphics, gaming, computer-aided design, robotics and virtual reality sectors have licensed his work. Valve acquired his spinoff company Impulsonic and released their Phonon audio technology as part of the Steam Audio SDK. Additionally, Meta has incorporated his audio simulation algorithms and patents into their virtual reality products.

His work has garnered numerous accolades, including the NSF CAREER Award, Sloan Fellowship, Bézier Award, the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award and the Hettleman Prize for scholarly achievement. Manocha's fellowships with esteemed organizations like the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), AAAI, AAAS, ACM and IEEE and his membership in the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy reflect his influence in the scientific community.

March 22, 2024

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